Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I'm beginning to realize...

That my life is kinda out of control at the moment. And I don't like that.

I've been really melancholy lately for some reason (Ok, part of it at least has to do with dear ole Aunt Flo, but I think it's more than just that) and I think part of it is feeling overwhelmed.

I haven't had much of a break over the past few weeks to just stop and think about all that's happened. I think the realization of what the next few months will bring is slowly sinking it, despite the fact I'm running around hither and thither (yes, that's a word), and my subconscious is dealing with it all since my conscious mind is too busy with other things.

I'm also realizing that other than knit group and church, I haven't really spent time with my friends. There are some close friends that I haven't talked with in weeks now. And I'm not doing very well in my devotional life either. I think I'm a little afraid of the maelstrom that will bring once I finally hunker down and spend some time with God. Stupid I know, but that's just where I'm at.



Suzanne said...

Your life is SO not out of control!

What are you talking about? You are the poster-child for the opposite child! You are one of the most well rounded, down-to-earth people I have ever known.

You may have a lot going on right now, but believe you me, you've got it all together girl.

Anonymous said...

Why can't your time spent with God be a reflection on how He has shaped the changes in your life for the good? Before diving in too deep just give a nice long praise session a try ;o)
If you feel your life is out of control then you are probably right on some level, even if it is temporary. You may need a weekend with nothing but church & Nathan, your 2 sole responsibilities. Stay home in your jammies, eat like crap (or really healthy, whatever will give you comfort) and just enjoy your husband and home for a bit. Make it simple.