Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Spring Break!

This week is spring break for me and I am OH SO HAPPY about that. Although I can't really sit back and chill *too* much since I still have plenty of homework to do, scholarships to apply for, life to catch up on, yadayadayada. But at least I don't have to go anywhere in the evenings.

This past weekend was a bit of a break, though, since we went down to San Diego and just hung out for the weekend before celebrating Passover last night. It was a really nice trip and we had a good time with the in-laws. We even played pool at a local pool hall on Saturday night! For some reason, that struck me as both amusing and very special. I guess it's partly cause I can't really imagine doing that with my parents! Hee. Not that they wouldn't be willing to, just not as likely to happen, I guess.

I also managed to get a decent amount of knitting done. Saturday, after playing pool, Nathan went to hang out with one of his best friends and I grabbed a movie and went home and just knit and watched Le Divorce. Not the best movie (it couldn't seem to decide whether it was a chick flick or a drama), but it was good for knitting! And I snuck in knitting whenever I could and carried it with me everywhere (not that I always pulled it out, but I had it just in case....very handy when I got stuck at his friend's house while they played video games *sigh*).

Even with all that time I had to knit (and knit I did), I have about 4-5 inches done. I don't even want to know how many hours this thing is going to take me. But I am determined. I brought other projects with me, but the tank (projet du mois) was all I worked on. I suppose I could think of it this way, if I weren't working in the round, I'd have about 9 inches done! There. That made me feel better.

Here's a pic:

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1 comment:

mary said...

hey girl! I didn't know you had a blogspot!!!! How are you doing? Love all the crocheting..wish i knew how, and had the time!!