Thursday, July 14, 2005

Icky sickness

Well, a bit has happened since my last post. Friday, which was our 6-month anniversary, was kinda crappy for start off (not as far as our relationship is concerned, though, just other stuff) but we had a really nice evening together and then drove down to San Diego to visit Nathan's parents for the weekend.

We had a really good trip, except that both of us came down with colds. Mine turned into a sinus infection when we got back (probably from lack of sleep since we got in town late).

I feel so drained, cause all this stuff is going on, plus I'm sick (and started my period on top of it all....blech). Thanksfully, I didn't have to go to a doctor, cause Suzie, Nathan's step-mom, gave me a prescription of antibiotics just in case (she works in a doctors office). God totally provided with that one!

Anyway, as much as things get crappy with the rest of my life, I never have to worry about Nathan and I. My family is being wierd about our relationship, and while I respect what they have to say, I am finding myself disagreeing with a lot of things. I feel like I'm not allowed to really be myself and my family doesn't make much of an effort to understand where I'm coming from. They seem to have this view of me that is not correct and it's frustrating. But I am not going to sacrifice who I am, or more importantly, who God is making me, to bend to their expections of me. They may have some things to say that I need to hear, but I just have to sift through it all and find what I need to hear and what is just their own opinions.

Sometime this weekend, I'm gonna be talking with my parents about some things that they want to discuss with me, and I'm afraid it's gonna be another one of these "Here is what's wrong with you" type conversations where I don't get much opportunity to actually talk or give my side of things. Oh well. I just have to pray a lot about it all.

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