Friday, July 22, 2005

Mental Case

My highly ADD boyfriend (who at times flips through 50 different musical tracks in the space of 1 minute) has determined that I have a milder case of ADD.

Case in point, we were walking down the street and I was talking about a couple who lived in Uganda for 3 years so they could adopt a couple kids (it's a requirement that anyone who adopts a child from Uganda has to live there for at least 3 years) and I interupted myself - midsentence-to say "ooh, the moon's so pretty!", then went right back into my sentence to finish my original thought. I do this often (as anyone can probably tell my reading some of my posts).

Other times, I think I have a touch of OCD. The combination of ADD and OCD has quite interesting manifestations...

For instance, my room is a complete disaster. Clothes lying around, boxes here and there...and not just because I'm getting ready to move rooms soon. However, if there is a drawer, cupboard, or closet door open, it will annoy the hell out of me until I close it. It makes no sense.

Regardless of what mental disorders I may or may not have, I don't care. I am who I am and everyone can just deal with it. I'd like to think that most people rather enjoy my random idiosyncracies. :-)


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